lørdag 24. august 2013

This is one of those songs/video that I keep to my self on a box, but to day I just needed to post it out.
To day! in fact! I also tok a taxi cab way back home like she did. It may sounds illegitimate but it happend.........while I sat back on the cab, I was listened to my `SleepTears` top list. And those who are new readers/listen.... I use to call my blog `SleepTears` two or three years ago and I was just posting elite sad songs just like this one by Fanny. ....

Those was old days (heartbrokend) ... Then I abandoned my heart way back and keep going. This remind me that I don't need hearing shit from other telling me I don`t work hard cause I work all this summer from Manday & Saturday and I haven`t had summer vacation since I was eighteen. Since now I have two works, like some days I had to work from 9:00 am & 09:00 pm. So don`t tell I`m lazy.
Soooo! If you so me sat on the cab and drive away, that was the last time you`ll see me walk away.  .A

Fanny- Water Against The Rocks

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